Looking for Fun

Our present living environment may be starting to feel less than fun, so today we will spend a few minutes cultivating ideas that will bring more life into our weekend ahead.

Music is quick therapy, so just:

1. Turn up your device’s volume.

2. Think about something fun that you really enjoy doing but are restricted from doing at the present time. Perhaps it’s going to the movie theater, taking in a live concert, enjoying a fine dining meal at a favorite restaurant or meeting friends for drinks.

3. Write down what it is and why you enjoy it so much. Using the examples from above: Is it because of the popcorn? Does the sound of music make you feel happy? Is it the ambiance of the restaurant that you enjoy as much as the food? Do you miss sharing a drink and laughter with friends?

4. Click on the photo below, which will redirect you to YouTube.

5. Watch the video, opening yourself up to feeling happy and being creative.

6. It’s time to take action! Run out and pick up really good popcorn and real butter, peruse your at home entertainment channels or social media platforms for either taped or live stream performances, order high quality take out (hopefully from that favorite restaurant) and set up a dining space in a different part of your house, invite friends over for a bring your own, 6 feet distanced cocktail in your backyard or garage…you get the idea!