Breaking Bad Habits

Sheltering in place is not all bad. Creative endeavors are taking on new life, and many of us are better rested than we have been in years.

On the other side of the coin, this is also a time when it is easy to allow bad habits from the past to creep back into our lives.

Today we will break up with habits that are keeping us from greatness.

Music is quick therapy, so just:

1. Turn up your device’s volume.

2. Eyes wide open for this one! What have you been doing that you know is not good for you? Self medicating with sugar, alcohol, salty foods and/or other junk? Telling yourself that tomorrow is a better day for that walk, run or online exercise class? Convincing yourself that the important work project can wait another day? Not setting aside the time you normally do to forward an importance cause?

3. You know EXACTLY what you are doing, so write it all down and look these demons straight in the eye.

4. Click on the photo below, which will redirect you to YouTube.

5. Watch the video and listen to the music, rekindling the flame of power that you have been allowing yourself to gradually extinguish.

6. Look down at that piece of paper. Destroy it and those bad habits right now!

7. The world needs the power of you & your peers now more than ever. Take a moment to forward this along to your tribe and get them ignited, too.