Something Good Coming

Hope is clinically proven to have a positive effect on our state of being.

According to Crocker (1998) hope therapy helps improve satisfaction and resilience while diminishing levels of depression. It creates a positive cognitive triad: a positive view of yourself, of the world & of the future.

Today we will spend quality time focused on keeping our personal visions of hope thriving.

Music is quick therapy, so just:

1. Turn up your device’s volume.

2. Choose your medium for self expression:

If you like to draw, grab a piece of paper and something to use for drawing. Colored pencils, markers, crayons or paints would be great to use.

If you like scrap booking, gather materials you like to use for that. They do not need to be complicated and could be as simple as old magazines and catalogs with glue or tape for affixing in place.

If you prefer technology over paper, you may want to use your computer or tablet’s illustration software or a creative platform such as Pinterest.

3. Once your medium established and your materials are in place, click on the photo below, which will redirect you to YouTube.

4. Watch the video, connecting with the words and the music of the song. Begin to absorb the message as you think about what you would like your own future to look like.

5. Put those visions into action by using the medium of your choice to create your own personal vision board of the future. Keep what you created somewhere where you can refer back to it often. Share it with those you hold dear so they can see where your future dreams are heading.

6. Do you know someone who could use an extra dose of hope right now? Share this exercise with anybody who could benefit from a promising look into his or her future.